[15:41] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa
Cannoli): Good morning and welcome to Koffee Klatch!
[15:53] Parser Lane (Parser Lane): best of both worlds! :D
[15:54] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): tips my head to Miss "thank You Miss! Likewise!"
[15:54] Arella Soren (Arella4 Resident): Smiles .. tyvm
[15:54] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): leans back and waits /// ;)
[15:54] Seli (Seliara Elton): I'm just picturing the middle aged nurses pulling out the sterile gloves and going "let's begin, shall we?"
[15:55] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): LOL
[15:55] Seli (Seliara Elton): C
[15:55] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Well it was a verbally sterile discussion mostly Miss....mostly about what makes people in the scene tick, why we like S/M acts etc.
[15:55] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Miss Seli when You are ready please.
[15:56] Seli (Seliara Elton): shrugs. "Just a quick icebreaker. I actually went the other direction: from online to RL. My start was on what I thought was a pretty bog-standard fantasy roleplay sim on a game called Neverwinter Nights 2"
[15:56] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): has played that...
[15:57] Seli (Seliara Elton): "This is well over a decade ago when it still had servers up, and a small team had custom built a whole space, with guilds and so on, and it -could- be very vanilla"
[15:57] Seli (Seliara Elton): "But I tried to join the mage guild and they rolled me through an "initiation hall" and I went "why....are there stocks here? Is that for punishment?"
[15:57] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): ooooo
[15:58] Seli (Seliara Elton): "And the head sorcerer went 'are you ready to find out? I am looking for an assistant.'"
[15:59] Seli (Seliara Elton): That was eye-opening! And really reallllllly hot. Stayed there for years before making a jump to exploring a bit in RL, and when it shut down, I made the jump with some friends here to SL which is why my full name is so ye olde Fantasye"
[15:59] Seli (Seliara Elton): #
[15:59] Seli (Seliara Elton): (I think the # is how I say I'm done, anyway, been a while!)
[15:59] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Yes, Miss!
[15:59] Seli (Seliara Elton): fist pumps "Still got it!"
[16:00] Parser Lane (Parser Lane): applauds the cool story! (do we do that here?)
[16:00] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): As long as it wasn't a half-orc Top it sounds cool...can I have the 400 year old high elf Domme, please? ;)
[16:00] Seli (Seliara Elton): heee, she was an elf!
[16:00] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): \o/
[16:01] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): If y'all remember 'The Sims'....my sister had a mod for it where you could put your Sims on bondage furniture
[16:01] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): she showed me a screenshot of a sim on a St. Andrew's Cross lol
[16:01] Seli (Seliara Elton): Sims 4 is kinky as hell if you look in the right places
[16:01] Seli (Seliara Elton): Not that I would know such places
[16:01] Seli (Seliara Elton): <,<
[16:01] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): *cough* 'Certainly not, Miss!'
[16:02] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Thank You for that! Great story of how one dips their toe in!
[16:02] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Anyone next?
[16:02] Joel Lightfoot (JoelJSA Resident): C
[16:02] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Joel when you are ready please!
[16:02] Joel Lightfoot (JoelJSA Resident): Short, almost vanilla, story:
[16:03] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Wooot!
[16:03] Arella Soren (Arella4 Resident): Smiles at Joel-Mine and ruffles his hair
[16:03] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): C
[16:03] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): What is 'contra dancing?' (I know all the perverse stuff but not that...)
[16:04] Joel Lightfoot (JoelJSA Resident): Old American folk dance...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contra_dance
[16:04] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Oh!
[16:04] Joel Lightfoot (JoelJSA Resident): The Folkdance sim has a couple dances a week, scripted by my friend.
[16:05] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Yes I have heard of this, I just didn't know what it was called
[16:05] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): how cool!
[16:05] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): I have friends in First Life who do Clogging
[16:05] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): lots of fun
[16:05] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Can we do "Contra Spanking" here maybe...
[16:05] Joel Lightfoot (JoelJSA Resident): My profile has more info for anyone interested.
[16:06] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Hi Miss Zati, CC!
[16:06] Consuela Hypatia Caldwell (Consuela Caldwell): Hi Vanni, hi everyone
[16:06] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Thanks so much, Joel!!
[16:06] Joel Lightfoot (JoelJSA Resident): YW!
[16:06] Seli (Seliara Elton): waves a hello
[16:06] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Miss Wynter when You are ready please!
[16:06] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): A bit of a story, but three parts coming in :)
[16:07] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): bring it!
[16:07] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): My entry into the lifestyle began as part of my exploration towards truly discovering myself. It started with fetishes, and crossdressing being one of the big ones for me. Due to some early childhood trauma.. the idea of being transgender was something I made impermissible to me. So I had to play within my "rules" while having this desire that could no longer be ignored to express my feminine side. Eventually I found the sissy community, as it was the largest expression of forced feminization at the time. The idea of kneeling to a Domme and being 'forced' to be feminine.. seemed amazing and I didn't 'balk' at the idea because of my "rules" around gender presentation.
[16:07] Parser Lane (Parser Lane): looks for dances, discovers "emotionally poly" exists
[16:07] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): It's not to say it was without it's misconceptions and imperfect ideas. I came in believing that a submissive was lower than.. in general. While that was sorted in time, the idea that someone would be into that in prim and proper Utah just didn't compute in my mind (...how wrong I was about that.. but we'll get there later.) I remembered that I had SL. So.. I started to research in 2010, and by 2012 I was exploring inside SL. During that time, I went to several munches in SLC. There's even a regular fetish club in downtown (Still open today).. Sometimes you never know until you look.
[16:08] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): Eventually after a move in RL, I find a Mistress here in SL. She does a full transformation on me.. I am on cloud nine, even with the ham hands and flipper feet. Eventually I figure out who I am. Sometimes, things just shouldn't be shared. Telling her I was transgender broke the dynamic, irreparably and forced me back into the closet for a time. That was just over a year. Eventually, I start going to munches in Las Vegas (where I moved) and got into masochism. I kept up with it till about COVID. And now we've come full circle. I returned to SL in 2023, a new discovery as I come back as a trans woman, and explore the world as a Dominant leaning Switch.#
[16:09] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): cheers!
[16:09] Consuela Hypatia Caldwell (Consuela Caldwell): Oh Salt Lake has alway had a huge LGBTQ community
[16:09] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): It does! Which is interesting considering the culture of Utah
[16:09] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): And a significant alt religion segment :)
[16:10] Parser Lane (Parser Lane): Wow Miss Wɣŋtɛr, what an adventure!
[16:10] Consuela Hypatia Caldwell (Consuela Caldwell): It had the best Lesbian bar, Puss In Boots, for a long time but years ago
[16:11] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Fab story, Miss...obviously some lows that You worked through and made You stronger in the end
[16:11] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): Absolutely :)
[16:11] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Excellent, thank You!
[16:11] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Anyone else feel like sharing Y/your "here's how I got into it" tale?
[16:12] Seli (Seliara Elton): Puss in Boots is such a good name
[16:12] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): I told you my naughty journey! *giggles*
[16:13] Seli (Seliara Elton): I remember a gay bar called the Tea Room, which still makes me chuckle
[16:13] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): ha!
[16:13] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): It's ok, the fetish club in downtown was called Area 51..
[16:13] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): A scene with a Gray....and not Christian....
[16:13] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): It was fitting hehe
[16:13] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): Nice Vanni :)
[16:14] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): grins
[16:14] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): I dunno though, those grays have some exotic bdsm implements
[16:14] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): Very heavy into medical play, I hear.
[16:14] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): ♫ rimshot ♫
[16:14] Seli (Seliara Elton): You have how many kinds of probes?!?
[16:14] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): lolol
[16:16] Seli (Seliara Elton): I keep wondering how many people these days slide into this by finding something like House of Gord on the internet and going "wait what?"
[16:16] Seli (Seliara Elton): There's so much more kink available than when it was just dirty magazines you had to buy clandestinely.
[16:16] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): "I was looking for squash recipes! Not to BE squashed!!"
[16:17] Parser Lane (Parser Lane): House of Gord is *so* good...
[16:17] Seli (Seliara Elton): Right? Googling whether your outdoor paint will not adhere properly if you put it on in the summer and you type "Hot Latex Bondage"
[16:17] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): LOL!
[16:17] Parser Lane (Parser Lane): bondage / bonding, it's an easy mistkae!
[16:17] Parser Lane (Parser Lane): *mistake, even
[16:17] Joel Lightfoot (JoelJSA Resident): chuckles
[16:18] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): until one goes to Lowe's in a full body latex outfit thinking "This is where I can get a new color, right?"
[16:18] Parser Lane (Parser Lane): hehe :)
[16:19] Consuela Hypatia Caldwell (Consuela Caldwell): Oh hardware stores, reminds me of great lines from the movie Jenifer's Body
[16:19] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): grins
[16:19] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): There was also many resources just hiding... IRC chats.. Usenet boards.. most of it hidden away to those not in the know.. the 90's version of the dark web when folks didn't quite grasp the internet.
[16:19] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Oh yes
[16:19] Seli (Seliara Elton): OMG, IRC chats!
[16:20] Seli (Seliara Elton): Firing up Telnet to get kinky
[16:20] Seli (Seliara Elton): giggles
[16:20] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): trolled #submission then back in the day..that was all my real exposure to anything kinky, but then I thought it more ... a subject of study than anything I'd want to do
[16:20] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): Which is funny.. because we've basically come full circle with Discord.. Every "server" it's own IRC server with channels.
[16:20] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Yes!
[16:21] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): and Reddit is basically a nicer form of Usenet
[16:21] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): Yup!
[16:21] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): r/BDSM? Far easier to find than alt.sex.BDSM
[16:21] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): lol right?
[16:22] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): looks at the cup "So last call...does anyone else wish to share a tale of their entry to our little happy world of naughtyness?"
[16:24] Seli (Seliara Elton): My working theory is that this discussion is how the rest of you are getting started.
[16:24] Seli (Seliara Elton): giggles
[16:24] Arella Soren (Arella4 Resident): Chuckling
[16:25] Seli (Seliara Elton): "This beautiful lady kneeling beside a huge coffee cup started talking and I got intrigued...."
[16:25] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): blushes a bit
[16:26] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Chats like this do help people start to sort out some feelings and desires, Miss.
[16:26] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): Sharing of one's self in a public forum.. still one of many's greatest fears. And the mind loves to play on our in securities.
[16:26] Seli (Seliara Elton): I'm being semi-serious, honestly.
[16:26] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): But sometimes, listening can be very good too, as to what Vanni just said.
[16:26] Seli (Seliara Elton): That's why I love these Klatches and I'm glad to be back
[16:26] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): smiles
[16:26] Joel Lightfoot (JoelJSA Resident): looks around, hoping for more stories
[16:27] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Well blame...or thank...Kely...*giggles*...she asked me a few times if I was ready to get them going again..
[16:27] Consuela Hypatia Caldwell (Consuela Caldwell): The stories are fun and interesting but mine is kind of boring
[16:27] Seli (Seliara Elton): Ohh tell it anyway!
[16:27] Grace (GracieMoonheart Resident): mine is too CC
[16:27] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): I um.. might have floated the idea to Seph too.. when we were getting Johan sorted for his set on the opposite weeks :)
[16:27] Joel Lightfoot (JoelJSA Resident): More boring than mine?
[16:27] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): I don't beleive anyone's lifestories to be boring
[16:27] Consuela Hypatia Caldwell (Consuela Caldwell): winks in recognition to Grace
[16:28] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): beams at Miss Wynter ♥
[16:28] Consuela Hypatia Caldwell (Consuela Caldwell): OH my life story is definetly not boring over all
[16:28] Zati Kodaly (ZoltanKodaly Resident): CC is not boring, I assue you
[16:29] Mx. Ŋaɖi Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ Grɛɣmɣst (NadiLee Halcali): c
[16:29] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Miss Nadi, please!
[16:29] Mx. Ŋaɖi Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ Grɛɣmɣst (NadiLee Halcali): I thought it was about forced sex in SL then I met Miss Wynter and my eyes were opened very painfully in a very wonderful way
[16:29] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): smirks.
[16:30] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): I came here for religious services and then came the forced sex....it was a rather...liberal...congregation...
[16:30] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): laughs.
[16:30] Zati Kodaly (ZoltanKodaly Resident): it's Sunday
[16:30] Mx. Ŋaɖi Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ Grɛɣmɣst (NadiLee Halcali): thats how i started too
[16:31] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): LIterally...
[16:31] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): giggles
[16:31] Consuela Hypatia Caldwell (Consuela Caldwell): I had a therapist give me books on BDSM
[16:31] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Interesting CC!
[16:31] Joel Lightfoot (JoelJSA Resident): My therapist was encouraging, but he didn't give me any books! ;-(
[16:32] Consuela Hypatia Caldwell (Consuela Caldwell): books by Janet Hardy and Dossy Easton
[16:32] Johan Dark (WJohanW Resident): *now that his hour is up he grins* Well, we were trying to get Vanni in here even before that Wynter ;)
[16:32] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): Oh I know.
[16:32] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): And thank you for the wonderful Display Johan!
[16:32] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): blushes more
[16:33] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Thank You Sir!
[16:33] Johan Dark (WJohanW Resident): Seph/Chew and I were hoping she'd return back in September when I first approached them about "Easy Like Sun Morning" sets
[16:33] Moxie (AOXOMOXOA Ansar): novels by Jacqueline Carey Kushiel's stories
[16:33] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Looooove Kushiel!
[16:33] Consuela Hypatia Caldwell (Consuela Caldwell): Me too, read 3 in the series
[16:33] Moxie (AOXOMOXOA Ansar): me too, Vanni
[16:33] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): I was about to sarcastically say that Vanni knows /nothing/ about Jacqueline Carey.
[16:34] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): heh heh...I was helping to run a sim based on it but...ran into disagreements with the co-owners, to put it very nicely
[16:34] Emma (Theo Jiadom): Kushiel and Naamah both are great series. And now there is a new from Cassiels side of the story right?
[16:34] Moxie (AOXOMOXOA Ansar): also Tijuana Bibles buwahaha High class reading those
[16:34] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): One book, yes, "Cassiel's Servant"
[16:35] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): The story of how Jocelin got involved with Phedre from his perspective
[16:35] Johan Dark (WJohanW Resident): I liked the first two books, not enough smut for me personally, but as a story I enjoyed them and suggested them to my RL wife who enjoys Romantasy
[16:36] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): The BDSM is part of the story but not central, true, Sir.
[16:36] Seli (Seliara Elton): gasps "Oh I love that word! Never heard of Romantasy, but that rules!"
[16:36] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): She is a great world-builder though!
[16:37] Johan Dark (WJohanW Resident): SHe is 100% Vanni, once I finish my Adept program I'm going to finish the rest of her series :) unfortunately my local library only had the first two (or fortunately as those were the two I needed for my syllabus)
[16:37] Joel Lightfoot (JoelJSA Resident): nods emphatically to Vanni
[16:37] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): I'm sorry
[16:37] Arella Soren (Arella4 Resident): Smiles at fond memories of that syllabus
[16:37] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): someone sent an anonymous "I can share"
[16:38] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): I have no idea who that was but please feel free to share!
[16:38] Bill Talon (BilliamTalon Resident): I think it was me Vanessa
[16:39] Bill Talon (BilliamTalon Resident): My first RL experience happened in the mid 90s when I was stationed in the San Francisco area. I young female sailor I worked with asked me to dirve her to The Trocadero Club one night for an event called Bondage a go-go. It was a fetish club that met there every Wednesday night. She would go play and I would sit and watch. I tried to participate one time but not much happened. A gorgeous Domme pulled me in and gae me a few lashes with a cat o nine tales and then I went back to my table, I continued taking the young lady for a long time until I moved back to Florida. #
[16:39] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Please, Sir!
[16:39] Bill Talon (BilliamTalon Resident): Not much but it was a pleasure to watch
[16:39] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Wooot!
[16:39] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Bondage-a-Go-Go..sounds familiar!
[16:40] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Hi Kahlan, Sydney!
[16:40] Bill Talon (BilliamTalon Resident): Yes, I related the event at a Dom meeting here several years ag o and that's how the Xaara event came about
[16:40] Johan Dark (WJohanW Resident): I always want to say "Go GO Bondage FLogger! " when I hear Bondage A Go-Go
[16:40] Kahlan ღ Dark (wobbles08 Resident): hey hi!
[16:40] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Awesome!
[16:41] Sydney ღ Dark (Badvudo Resident): waves hello to E/everyone
[16:41] Grace (GracieMoonheart Resident): really cute outfit Sydney
[16:41] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Thank You Sir!
[16:41] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Ok last call!
[16:41] Arella Soren (Arella4 Resident): Hello Kahlan and Sydney
[16:41] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): Anyone want to get a tale in before we call it?
[16:41] Sydney ღ Dark (Badvudo Resident): *smiles to Grace and mouths a thank you*
[16:42] Joel Lightfoot (JoelJSA Resident): smiles at Kahlan and Sydney
[16:42] Sydney ღ Dark (Badvudo Resident): good morning Mistress Arella
[16:42] Moxie (AOXOMOXOA Ansar): recognises Sydney's Silvery Boho outfit. yes, that's cute
[16:43] Wɣŋtɛr Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ (Wynter Serenade): Hello Kahlan and Sydney :)
[16:43] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): No worries if Y/you didn't share, we just got back and not everyone is into spinning a tale, so we will call it here. Thank Y/you all for coming back....we'll be back in two weeks...Sir Johan has His "Easy Like Sunday Morning" event every other week at 8...we are opposite here.
[16:43] Kahlan ღ Dark (wobbles08 Resident): Better late than never, fabulous to see everyone
[16:43] (Coffee Discussion Tracker): Thank you for attending this discussion.
[16:43] (Coffee Discussion Tracker): The tracker is now off and the floor is open to everyone.
[16:43] Seli (Seliara Elton): Thanks for hosting, Vanni. Wonderful as always
[16:43] Mx. Ŋaɖi Sɛrɛŋaɖɛ Grɛɣmɣst (NadiLee Halcali): thank you Vanni
[16:43] Vanessa Cannoli (Vanessa Cannoli): We'll have another kinky talk in two weeks!s!